Sneak Peeks from the Wedding of Amelia and Joe at Pangdean Barn, Sussex

Signing the register at Pangdean Barn b

It was an absolute delight to photograph the wedding of Amelia and Joe which took place at Pangdean Barn today. Whilst the ceremony was a bit different to what was planned for before covid-19 changed everything it was a lovely ceremony with the close friends and family.

Bride before the Ceremony at Pangdean Barn 1

Bride outside the manor at Pangdean Barn 1

Wedding Ceremony at Pangdean Barn 2b

Wedding Ceremony at Pangdean Barn 3b

Wedding Ceremony at Pangdean Barn 4b

Wedding Ceremony at Pangdean Barn 1b

Signing the register at Pangdean Barn b

Signing the register at Pangdean Barn 2b

Wedding cake at Pangdean Barn b

Cutting the cake at Pangdean Barn b

Couple photo at Pangdean Barn 2b

Couple photo at Pangdean Barn 1

Couple photo at Pangdean Barn 3b

Couple photo at Pangdean Barn 4b

Couple photo at Pangdean Barn 5b

Umbrella couple photo at Pangdean Barn b

I want to again wish both Amelia and Joe congratulations on their big day and I am really looking forward to being at the celebration of their wedding in the future!

Venue – Pangdean Barn –

2 Replies to “Sneak Peeks from the Wedding of Amelia and Joe at Pangdean Barn, Sussex”

  1. Dominic, thank you so much for yesterday. You’ve captured the mood wonderfully and have given us memories for ever. We look forward to seeing you in November, Anna and Stephen

    1. Dominic Smith Photography says: Reply

      It was my pleasure and I look forward to working with you all again for the big celebration!

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