Sneak Peek Photos from the Wedding of Zoe and Sam at St George’s Church, Sussex and Cottesmore Hotel, Golf & Country Club, Sussex

Wedding Couple Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 3

Today I was honoured to photograph the wedding of Zoe and Sam which took place at St George’s Church and Cottesmore Golf Club in Sussex. Zoe and Sam spent the day enjoying the warm weather and spending time with their guests.

Below are some sneak peek photos taken throughout Zoe and Sam’s wedding day.

Wedding Dresses at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

Brides Arrival at St Georges Church, West Grinstead

Wedding Ceremony at St Georges Church, West Grinstead 2

Wedding Ceremony at St Georges Church, West Grinstead

First Kiss at St Georges Church, West Grinstead 2

First Kiss at St Georges Church, West Grinstead

Wedding Couple at St Georges Church, West Grinstead

Confetti at St Georges Church, West Grinstead

Wedding Arrival at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

Wedding Couple Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 6

Wedding Couple Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 5

Wedding Couple Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 4

Wedding Couple Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 2

Wedding Couple Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

Wedding Family Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

Junior Golf Buggy Driving at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

Wedding Rings at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

Cutting the Cake at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

First Dance at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 4

First Dance at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 3

First Dance at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 2

First Dance at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club 1

Wedding Night Photo at Cottesmore Hotel Golf & Country Club

I would like to take this opportunity to once again wish Zoe and Sam congratulations on their wedding day and wish them every happiness for their future together.

Wedding Suppliers:

Wedding Venue – St George’s Church –

Reception Venue – Cottesmore Golf Club –

Cake – Piece ‘A’ Cake  –

Make Up – Ellie Nightingale –

Hair – Samantha Chard –

DJ – Keen Mobile DJ Services –

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